Eric Wenocur writes periodically for industry publications, primarily addressing technology topics.
Some past examples are shown below.
Since 2022 Eric has been a contributor to Sound & Video Contractor in print and online.
<< Some titles are downloadable >>

Not Power, Not Ethernet, What Is It?,” published in ICT Today (journal of BICSI), 2015.
Discusses connectivity often found in A/V and computer installations.
(see Presentations page for BISCI presentation download)

“Analog Audio Interfacing,” published in AV Technology, 2013.
Analog audio equipment interfacing for AV managers.

“Why Aren’t My Picture and Sound in Sync? The Coming Crisis in Technical Knowledge” published in The Spectator (University of Southern California Journal of Film and Television Criticism), 2004.
Discusses how changes in technology, and in the way television professionals are educated, are creating a new generation of technically under-trained operators.

“Systems Design Showcase: Non-linear HD Editing,” published in Broadcast Engineering, 2003.
Describes technical design of an early HD suite based on Avid|DS, including complex audio routing.

“Report from Nagano” Personal dispatches on life from the CBS facility at the 1998 Winter Games.

“Power & Grounding: Unconventional Approaches,” published in Broadcast Engineering, 1996.
Describes the design and implementation of a symmetrical power system in a video post facility.

“Ins and Outs of Patchbays” published in MIX, 1994. Basics of audio patchbay design and configuration.

“SC/H and Color-framing,” published in Broadcast Engineering, 1992.
Detailed explanation of purpose and practical operation of color-framing in VTRs and linear editors.
“Modern Deals,” published in Recording Engineer/Producer, 1992.
Details of three actual artist-signing scenarios (Suzanne Vega, Was(Not Was), The Triplets).
“Interfacing Audio to VTRs,” published in Recording Engineer/Producer, 1990.

“Video Sweetening Basics for Audio Engineers,” published in MIX, 1989.
Explains the basics of sweetening process, video synchronization, timecode, sync transfers.